
15Aug 2017

Old cars are sometimes kept in mint condition from the very beginning. Other times, they need total restoration, sometimes referred to as “frame off”. Be careful. When the car is apart, some policies say there is no car there, simply a room full of parts. In the event of a loss, there is no coverage. We have a specialty carrier who includes vehicles in restoration. Call us to discuss the details.



10Aug 2017

I would love to have an old car. One of my favorites is the 55 Chevy. But I am likely destined to simply admire, not own. If someone is fortunate enough to own one, they are truly fortunate. And they need the right insurance to cover the full value of that special vehicle. Special policies are available to cover Antiques and Classics on an Agreed Value basis. Spare Parts can be covered as well. Call us to discuss the details.

08Aug 2017

If you own a motorcycle, we probably don’t have to point out that accessories can really add up! Assuming you cover your bike for Collision and Comprehensive damage, you may only be covering the “base” cycle. Or your policy may include an automatic extension for accessories, typically in the $1,000 to $3,000 range. Is that enough? Call us to discuss the details.

04Aug 2017

Operators and passengers can be injured on a motorcycle. In Pennsylvania, we have First Party Medical Payments for typical vehicles – cars, SUVs, minivans, pick-ups and more. But that coverage does not apply to motorcycles. Some motorcycle policies have no injury protection for operators or passengers. Some offer Motorcycle Medical Payments coverage. Call us to discuss the details.

02Aug 2017

Why is this covered? What does it cover? Who does it cover?

This is sometimes called Guest Medical Payments. It is designed to respond to visitors who are injured while at your home. Envision a friend or neighbor who falls and suffers minor cuts and breaks their eyeglasses. Medical Payments might pay for those expenses, simply because it happened “on your watch”. It is not an admission of negligence – that the injury was caused by something you did or failed to do. That’s a topic for another blog or video. As always, call us to discuss the details.


05Jul 2017

Where do you get your car repaired after a covered loss? Most folks have very little experience with auto body repair shops. Erie Insurance policyholders can have their cars repaired at the shop of their choice. Erie also has a network of Direct Repair Shops. In most cases, there is no need to meet an Erie Claims Adjuster because these shops have the authority to order parts and begin repairs. In addition to any shop guarantee, Erie also guarantees the workmanship for as long as you own your car. Call us to discuss the details!

29Jun 2017

We envision flames when we think about Home Insurance. But your policy also provides Family Liability protection. A visitor could be injured; a fire you start races to your neighbor’s house; you accidentally shoot someone while hunting; your golf shot goes off target, striking a fellow golfer. Does your policy have sufficient coverage to protect your family and your assets? Call us to discuss the details!

27Jun 2017

All Home Insurance policies are not created equally. Although we worry about fires, we may never experience one personally. We are more likely to suffer water damage from a burst water supply pipe, back-up of a drain, or water from an ice dam. Every policy does not cover those incidents. Does yours? Call us to discuss the details!

21Jun 2017

So…you’re in the “landlord” business. Do you have sufficient Liability protection is case a tenant or visitor is injured? If you have a fire, you will have building damage to repair. You will also likely lose your tenant and that monthly income stream. Will your policy replace those lost rents? Call us to discuss the details!

19Jun 2017

We use our phones and digital cameras to take lots of fun, silly pictures. Here is a more serious task. Photo every room of your house, then photo a walk-around view of the outside. Park the photos in the cloud or elsewhere. This will assist you greatly if you ever need to explain to a claims adjuster what you owned before a covered loss occurred. Call us to discuss the details!

SPECIAL NOTE: Tenant-Owned Personal Property in rental homes is not covered.

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