Agency Principal John Rushe is very active with the Erie Together movement to eradicate poverty in Erie County. Wednedsay evening, John spent time as a guest speaker at a class held at the Erie City Mission. Participants are motivated to become more self-sufficient. The text being used is Getting Ahead in a Just-Gettin-By World.

John offered ideas and tri-fold brochures about how to be better-informed consumers when it comes to Personal Auto and Renters insurance. He was also asked to offer insight as a small business owner. Specifically, he shared expectations when recruiting and hiring.

This is just one component of the Erie Together movement. It teaches the impoverished to step back from the “tyranny of the moment”; create realistic goals; and then follow plans to improved self-sufficiency. The Werle & Rushe Agency is very happy to support this initiative since it benefits everyone.

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